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Edmonton School Athletics

Outdoor Soccer Information Page

Outdoor Soccer League Rules

Game Day
  • All games start at 4:00 – 4:15 pm. Please consider travel times for visiting schools.
  • City of Edmonton field closure line 780-496-4999, Press 1 – in case of rain
  • All teams must have a Roster/Game Sheet filled out for their own team for the Officials
  • If there is a conflict in uniform colour, the home team is responsible to provide an alternate colour.
  • Winning school is responsible recording the game score on the Goalline website within 24 hours.
    • Please note that a maximum 5 goal differential – Fair Play rule is in effect.  When reporting game scores on the Goalline website, the maximum goal difference will default to limit any score that is higher.   
    • In the event of a tie game, the home team is responsible for reporting score. 
  • If any red cards / game expulsions occur, a copy of the roster with player number / name is to be scanned and sent to league coordinator by the coach of the team. The officials will also be submitting a report if any expulsions occur. 
  • Soccer Game Sheet  link
League Standings
  • 3pts for a win; 1 pt. for a tie (draw); 0 pts for a loss.
  • No overtime/extra time to be played during regular season games. If re-scheduled or postponed games cannot be played due to weather, then one point is awarded to each team.
  • Officials for league games and playoffs will automatically be booked through the Edmonton School Soccer Officials Association.  Any schools may make their own arrangements for officials during the regular season but must indicate by email to league coordinators so we can remove those games from the assigner’s schedule. Deadline to let us know is Thursday Sept. 7, 2023.
  • Note that due to the short duration of our season that on some dates we will probably overwhelm the pool of Refs, so not every game will receive and official. Please have a contingency plan in place in the case that you are hosting as trying to delay/reschedule your game may not work with our tight schedule.
    • The assignor will be utilizing an on-line system called Arbiter which allows each school to check to see if a referee has taken on the assignment at their school. Thus each school will be able to login and check on the status of their home games.  
  • All playoff games will have carded officials.
  • All home teams must provide 2 students to run the sidelines to assist the head official
  • Home teams must have a properly lined field. This may be arranged through the league, with the private contractor we have secured. If schools decide to line it on their own, it must be ready for game days.
Rescheduled Games
  • Schools must reschedule games on their own – both schools must agree on date. 
  • Please advise league coordinators of any rescheduled dates as soon as possible.
    • Fill-out and send a change of game form 
    • Allow 2 days’ notice to give officials assignor time to make the change in arrangements. If you cancel an official without proper notice, you will be billed.


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